Statistics tutoring at its best - 100% quality
Statistics tutoring
- Applied statistics in thesis
- Interpreting and processing data
- Statistical assignments and reports
- Statistics exams and tests
Scriptium advantages
- Personal and professional
- Years of in-depth experience
- Affordable
- Intake free of charge
Why would I need help with statistics?
The thesis supervisor assigned to you by your educational institution can help you implement and apply SPSS and general statistics. In practice, however, it is often the case that many students receive too little help. That’s why it’s a good idea to call in additional statistics tutoring. Scriptium offers SPSS and statistics specialists who are available 7 days a week. They undergo a very strict screening and assessment. This way we guarantee you the best help and quality. At the bottom of this page, you can submit a request and ask for help with statistics. One of our specialists will then be assigned to your specific request.

How can we help you with your statistical issues?
You can approach Scriptium for help with statistics in any situation. It doesn’t have to be just for your thesis’s results section. It is also possible to spend a few hours discussing the theory behind SPSS and statistical processing with a specialist. In this way you prepare yourself for an exam or for using SPSS in the future. Of course, it is also possible to process your research data in SPSS or any other statistical program, and to develop them into a statistically correct section.
Statistics as a tool
Help with statistics can concerns help working with SPSS. The SPSS program was developed in 1968 as a data processing program within the social sciences. Today, the program is also well suited to policy and marketing research. In 2009, the SPSS Statistics program was acquired by software giant IBM. They adapted the software into a user-friendly program for analysts, students and researchers.
As a result, many students come into contact with SPSS and statistics during their studies. Most study programs even offer a course devoted entirely to statistics. Yet, theoretically learning about the program is different from applying it yourself. You might need help when writing your thesis or dissertation. Scriptium has in-house experts to provide you with the statistics and SPSS help you need. We also have the best specialists available for R, STATA and Python.

How can I get SPSS software?
Our statistics tutors are trained in multiple statistical programs, including SPSS. Since the original version of the program, many updates and new versions have been released. To be able to work with the program, you must of course have it installed on your laptop or PC. Some schools offer a download link that allows you to put SPSS on your own device for free. If not, you have to buy a license online and download the program yourself. For example, the most recent version of SPSS can be downloaded from their website. Visit the IBM website for more information about the software, license, and terms of use. A free trial version of the program is available as well. Do note that your educational institution often times offers massive discounts too.
The importance of statistics
SPSS and statistics are included as a compulsory component in many courses. The knowledge of statistical processing is considered to be basic knowledge for students. Scriptium recommends that all students take statistics as a subject if they have the opportunity. After all, it can’t hurt to accept all possible help with statistics. It is also valuable not to waste time on research into SPSS or data processing during your thesis period.
The statistics subject is experienced by some students as a relatively boring and technical subject. That may well be true, because the theory behind a computer program is sometimes tough to understand. The program is based on algorithms and mathematics and some knowledge of formulas is required. Do you have trouble understanding everything? Scriptium can help you 7 days a week with SPSS and statistics. We have a top specialist in-house for every statistical problem. Within a few hours we can match you with a suitable tutor who understands your field of study. Contact us and we will get back to you within 1 hour with a proposal.
All our statistics tutoring possibilities
Although you do not yet have to perform statistical calculations for your research proposal, you must already determine what your methodology will be and which statistical functions you will apply in your research. For advice and tutoring on this part, Scriptium offers help with your research proposal.
Would you like to learn to work with SPSS for your research or statistical subject? Or just because you have to use SPSS at work? Then our SPSS tutoring is a good option. You will receive structural lessons from an expert that we personally choose for you.
Would you like to learn how to work with STATA for your research or a statistical course? Or simply because you have to use STATA at work, for your career or future? Then our STATA tutoring is a good option. You will receive structural lessons from an expert that we personally select for you.
Do you work for a company or organisation and do you need data analysis? Scriptium’s statistics experts are at your service. You can outsource SPSS analysis for official scientific or commercial research to us.
Would you like statistical tutoring from Scriptium? Or specific help with statistics in your thesis? Or maybe you have a question or comment first? Please fill in the contact form below and we will respond as soon as possible.